1. 支援活動を通して、イエス・キリストにある希望と愛と祝福を被災した地域の方々にお伝えすること.
2. 津波の被害で全壊した二つの家の教会(井土浜、亘理)の早期回復のお手伝い。
3. 長い期間、被災者と被災教会に寄り添い続けること。
4. 支援活動を通して、今後継続可能な新しいミニストリーや、教会が生まれてくること。
5. 支援活動を通して、次世代のリーダーたちが生まれ、育つこと。
6. そして全ての人が、創造主なる神に立ち返ること。
1. To share the love, hope and blessings of Jesus Christ through relief work with the people affected by the disaster.
2. To support in the recovery of the two churches (Idohama, Watari) destroyed by the tsunami.
3. To stand by the people and churches affected by this disaster for the long run.
4. To form sustainable ministries and new churches as a result of this relief effort.
5. To raise up the next generation of leaders through the relief effort.
6. To have the nation of Japan worship the one true God.
Vision/purpose for use of your donation:
The donation will be used for purchasing relief supplies, providing tangible financial support for the disaster victims, hiring staffs for this ministry, renting parking lots, hosting volunteers, transportation cost, and other various needs for our relief efforts.