Temporary Housing visit in Watari 亘理仮設訪問

with Northwestern college team!!

We visited temporary housing in Watari with Northwestern college team!
今回もたくさんの方々と会うことができました。ある年配の女性は、震災後女川から亘理の仮設に移って来られて、寂しい思いをされたそうです。1年以上経ち、少しずつ友達もふえて来たとの事。来月もまたお会いしたいです!We were able to talk to many people this time too! An old woman moved in Watari’s temporary housing from a different affected city, Onagawa. It was new place for her, and she has been alone for a while. Now she has some friends at the temporary housing, and is doing fine. Hope we can meet her again next month!!


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